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Dog Health

How to Prepare for Hikes with Dogs

July 6, 2016 Dog Health, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks

Start with smaller hikes and build your pup’s endurance over time. Be sure to take warm weather into account. You may not be able to go as far when it’s hot. Be sure to bring lots of water!!! Another great reason to bring you own water is to discourage your dog from drinking from ponds…


Ice Cream and Your Pup: Is Ice Cream Safe for Dogs?

June 21, 2016 Dog Health

We wanted to send out a quick reminder about not giving dogs ice cream. Most dogs are lactose intolerant and cannot digest dairy. Consuming ice cream can result in diarrhea, bloating, discomfort and other gastric upset. Even if your dog does not show any symptoms, the sugar content in ice cream is extremely high, and…


Leptospirosis in Dogs: Symptoms, Transmission, and Treatment

May 16, 2016 Dog Health

Leptospirosis is bacteria that burrows through the skin, and is subsequently spread through the blood stream of dogs and humans. It can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and central nervous system.  Be sure to ask your veterinarian if your dog is up to date on this vital vaccine. Here is a list of…


The Risks of Gardening Mulch: Keeping Your Dog Safe

May 2, 2016 Dog Health

Dogs, cats and humans enjoy more time in the yard as spring emerges. There are several steps you can take to create a beautiful and pet friendly garden. Read on to learn more about the potential risks mulch and fertilizers may pose if you have pets. Cocoa mulch- This waste product from chocolate manufacturing contains…


Protect Your Pets with Microchips

April 20, 2016 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

Warm weather is here! Our fuzzy friends are spending more time outside. It’s a great time to make sure your dog or cat has a microchip so they have a better chance of being returned to you if lost. Most pets wear a collar with tags that have their name and the phone number displayed.…


Easter Safety Tips for Cats and Dogs

March 24, 2016 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

Easter brings many colorful goodies into our homes and yards. We have a few pet safety recommendations as you celebrate this coming weekend. Keep artificial grass out of reach. This fluffy grass that lines the bottom of an Easter baskets is especially tempting for curious kitties. The thin plastic material can cause a bowel obstruction…


Shamrock Plants can be Toxic for Dogs and Cats

March 16, 2016 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

Shamrocks are universally known as having good luck. Did you know these plants can be toxic when ingested by your cat or dog? We recommend avoiding this plant if you have curious pets in your home. The Oxalis species or shamrock plant is also known as: Good Luck Plant, Sorrel, Purple Shamrock and Love Plant.…


Heartworm Reminder: Protecting Your Dog’s Health and Wellbeing

March 11, 2016 Dog Health, Heartworm Prevention

It seems like everyone is wondering where winter went this year. We still have cool nights, but with the consistently warmer temperatures, we have begun to see our mosquito population out and about. We wanted to remind you to be sure that your dog is on monthly heartworm preventative all year long. This medication helps…


The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Pets

February 23, 2016 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

Februrary 23rd is World Spay Day. Spaying and neutering are a safe and responsible choices for both sexes, and will not change your pet’s personality or cause obesity. You will help control overpopulation, and prevent serious disease in your pet. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Indian Peaks Veterinary Hospital at,…


Does your cat or dog have chronic bad breath?

February 9, 2016 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

February is National Pet Dental Health Month. A buildup of plaque bacteria can lead to periodontal disease in cats and dogs. Although there may be several causes of strong mouth odor, bad breath is one sign that your pet may have dental disease. A build up of bacteria can also lead to cavities and other…