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Heartworm Prevention

Brace Yourself for a Challenging Tick and Mosquito Season

June 9, 2023 Articles About Dog Health, Heartworm Prevention

As the summer arrives in Boulder, Colorado, residents and their furry companions eagerly embrace the sunny weather and outdoor activities. However, the heavy rainfall this season has paved the way for an unfortunate consequence: a potentially severe tick and mosquito season. In this blog post, we’ll explore the implications of increased precipitation on these pesky…


Heartworm Reminder: Protecting Your Dog’s Health and Wellbeing

March 11, 2016 Dog Health, Heartworm Prevention

It seems like everyone is wondering where winter went this year. We still have cool nights, but with the consistently warmer temperatures, we have begun to see our mosquito population out and about. We wanted to remind you to be sure that your dog is on monthly heartworm preventative all year long. This medication helps…


Continuing with Heartworm Prevention During Winter Months

January 13, 2016 Dog Health, Heartworm Prevention

Winter is in full swing. We want to remind you that we recommend heartworm preventive through the winter months. This monthly medication can provide your pup with important protection from intestinal parasites, as well as heartworms.


Heartworm Prevention Can Protect the Entire Family from Parasites

April 20, 2015 Dog Health, Heartworm Prevention

Pet owners who use monthly heartworm medication are aware of the protection it provides against heartworm disease. This monthly medication also protects against several intestinal parasites, some of which can be passed along to humans. These intestinal parasites include: roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm. Intestinal worms thrive and reproduce in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Intestinal…