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The Risks of Second Hand Smoke for Dogs and Cats

Published on October 5, 2015 in Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

cats in window looking out

Second hand smoke greatly impacts the wellbeing of pets and humans alike. A dog or cat’s lung tissue may change overtime if exposed to smoke in the home. Signs of exposure may be a chronic cough. Animals may develop scar tissue on their lungs, and pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions. Smoke can also settle on your cat’s fur, and when she grooms herself, she ingests large doses of the chemicals contained in cigarettes. Both dogs and cats have a higher likelihood of developing asthma when exposed to second hand smoke.

Pets may also be inquisitive about cigarettes and ashtrays. Contact your vet or emergency clinic immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested a cigarette. Signs that your pet has ingested tobacco are: diarrhea, vomiting, drooling and trembling. If your pet ingests a cigarette butt, he will receive a high dose of nicotine. He may become excited with dilated pupils, and may risk having a life threatening physical reaction. The best way to protect your pet is to cease smoking indoors if possible.