(303) 938-9474

Farewell to Dr. Sargent: A Beloved Veterinarian at Indian Peaks

Published on May 20, 2017 in Articles About Dog Health

Dear clients,

We are writing to share some bittersweet news. Dr. Sargent has elected to follow his dream and purchase a veterinary practice in Washington State. He will be with us through May 24th, 2017.

We have been fortunate to have had Dr. Sargent working with us over the last 2 years and we ask you to join our entire team in wishing him and his family the very best as he embarks on this new and exciting chapter of his life and his career.

Dr. Andrews and Dr. Sabichi are eager to continue to serve you and your pet’s veterinary needs, so please let us know how we can assist in making this transition as smooth as possible for you.

Dr. Sargent wishes to share his following sentiments:


Dear Clients,

I’d like to share some personal news with you which comes with both excitement and sorrow: My family and I will be moving to Mount Vernon, Washington next month, as I am purchasing a veterinary clinic in the area.

This means as of May 24, 2017, I will no long be practicing at Indian Peaks Veterinary Hospital. It has truly been a pleasure to serve you and your amazing pets. I will miss you all, words can’t express how wonderful the clients and pets have been over the past 2 years.

Dr. Lisa Sabichi has always been the back bone of the practice and she is a fantastic veterinarian. Dr. Ruth Andrews is also a wonderful veterinarian and shares the compassion and care that Dr. Sabichi and the staff at Indian Peaks have always shown. I have no doubt that Indian Peaks will continue to provide compassionate and exceptional care.

Thank you for your trust in me during my time at Indian Peaks. It has been a wonderful experience working at Indian Peaks and with you and your pets.


Dan Sargent, DVM


Please feel free to share this information with acquaintances who are interested and may not have received this news.


Indian Peaks Veterinary Hospital Team