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Healthy Dog

How to Avoid Foxtails

June 24, 2015 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

As spring moves into summer, foxtail season begins, causing problems for our cats and dogs. Foxtails are grass awns that are prevalent in the Western United States. Foxtails look like barley, and have tiny spikes that easily stick to fur. These small spears travel relentlessly in one direction only, and often wind their way deeper…


Heartworm Prevention Can Protect the Entire Family from Parasites

April 20, 2015 Dog Health, Heartworm Prevention

Pet owners who use monthly heartworm medication are aware of the protection it provides against heartworm disease. This monthly medication also protects against several intestinal parasites, some of which can be passed along to humans. These intestinal parasites include: roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm. Intestinal worms thrive and reproduce in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Intestinal…


Keep Walking: Tips for Walking Your Senior Dog Safely

August 12, 2014 Dog Health

Does your older dog still demand a walk, or does she prefer to lie on her bed for a large part of the day? For dogs that relish couch time, it may be easier to be complacent about ensuring that your older pup gets a good walk. Weight gain, muscle weakness, boredom and depression may…