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Articles About Cat Health

Holiday Plants and Your Pets

December 17, 2015 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

We have some guidelines around holiday plants you may find in your home this time of year. Oils from your fir tree can irritate your cat or dog’s mouth and stomach. You may notice excessive drooling or possible vomiting. These tree needles are also difficult to digest, and may cause GI obstruction and puncture. Mistletoe and…


November Is Pet Diabetes Month: Do You Know the Signs of Diabetes in Pets?

November 16, 2015 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

These symptoms may be attributed to a variety of issues, however we will list the common signs of diabetes. If you have any concerns about your pet’s health, contact Indian Peaks Veterinary Hospital at (303) 938-9474. Drinking more than usual. Increased urination – Your dog or cat may need to go out more often, as…


The Risks of Second Hand Smoke for Dogs and Cats

October 5, 2015 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

Second hand smoke greatly impacts the wellbeing of pets and humans alike. A dog or cat’s lung tissue may change overtime if exposed to smoke in the home. Signs of exposure may be a chronic cough. Animals may develop scar tissue on their lungs, and pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions. Smoke can also settle on your…


Summer Temperature Guidelines for Dogs and Cats in Cars

July 27, 2015 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

We try to spread the word every year about how hot your car can get in the summer! Do not leave your dog or cat in the car when it is near 70 degrees F outside. Not even for a short time. Alert business management and call police or animal control if you see a pet…


The Benefits of Cat and Dog Probiotics

July 15, 2015 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

Cat and dogs have a digestive system that contains billions of bacteria that continually work to keep their digestion running smoothly. From time to time, your pet’s normal digestion may be interrupted, and she may benefit from a probiotic. Probiotics are live microorganisms that mimic those found naturally in the intestines. Probiotics can help maintain…


How to Avoid Foxtails

June 24, 2015 Articles About Cat Health, Dog Health

As spring moves into summer, foxtail season begins, causing problems for our cats and dogs. Foxtails are grass awns that are prevalent in the Western United States. Foxtails look like barley, and have tiny spikes that easily stick to fur. These small spears travel relentlessly in one direction only, and often wind their way deeper…