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Cat Behavior

Indoor Activities for Dogs to Help Them Stay Active in the Winter

December 8, 2016 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks

  During the winter it gets harder and harder to get your pet outside and exercised. Here is a quick list of things to do in the house to help burn off some of that energy and mentally stimulate your pet! Teach your pet a new trick! This could include basic obedience practice inside or…


Understanding the Signs of Dental Disease in Cats

July 19, 2016 Articles About Cat Health, Cat Behavior

If your cat has any of these symptoms, they may have dental issues: Bad breath Your kitty is looking hungry and approaching her food bowl, but then doesn’t eat. Eating slower than usual or food may be dropping from her mouth when she tries to eat. Changes or an increase in vocalization. Drooling An increase…


Think Twice Before Giving Pets as Christmas Gifts

December 14, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks

During the holidays there are lots of images of puppies and kittens given as gifts. Getting a pet should involve a long-term commitment, and a holiday gift may be well intentioned, but chosen in haste. The cuteness may quickly wear off once the recipient realizes the huge amount of time and money they must devote…


Rehoming Elderly Dogs: Why We Love Rescuing Senior Dogs

November 30, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks

Older pups know shoes are for walking, and bones are for chewing. Mature kitties will usually know proper litter box etiquette. Your senior pup knows inside is for lounging, and outdoors is for the restroom. Older pets are more experienced with being able to read humans, and they can figure out what you are asking…


Moving to a New Home with your Dog and Cat

October 19, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks

Moving can be stressful for humans and their pets. Your dog and cat’s routine starts and ends in your home, and any change in their environment can be stressful. Not to worry, we have a plan to help you make the transition as safe and easy as possible for your furry friends. Your biggest ally…


Purrfect Perches: Designing Vertical Spaces to Enrich Your Cat’s Life

September 11, 2015 Cat Behavior

We have all seen the familiar view of our cats enjoying themselves up on a perch in your yard or in your home. Cats love their vertical territory! Their need to climb is deep-rooted, and can be traced back to their wild ancestors. These ancient cats instinctively searched for higher ground to assess their safety,…


4th of July Pet Safety Tips

July 1, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks

Be sure your pets are wearing up to date tags and collars. Give your dog plenty of exercise during the day before the fireworks begin. Keep your cat and dog inside if possible. They may jump a fence if they are frighten and alone in your yard. If you leave your pet home alone, leave…