December 8, 2016 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
During the winter it gets harder and harder to get your pet outside and exercised. Here is a quick list of things to do in the house to help burn off some of that energy and mentally stimulate your pet! Teach your pet a new trick! This could include basic obedience practice inside or…
August 14, 2016 Articles About Dog Health, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
Your dog accidentally bumps into items in the home that are not in their normal place. This could be a chair that is pulled out of place at the table, or a new piece of furniture. Dogs have the ability to mask their vision loss by memorizing their surroundings. They may also rely on another…
July 6, 2016 Dog Health, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
Start with smaller hikes and build your pup’s endurance over time. Be sure to take warm weather into account. You may not be able to go as far when it’s hot. Be sure to bring lots of water!!! Another great reason to bring you own water is to discourage your dog from drinking from ponds…
June 3, 2016 Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
We are so lucky to live in a place that has an abundance of trails, lakes and rivers. With so many options, it is best to explore open space and national forest areas with your pup, and avoid Rocky Mountain National Park. If you do visit the park with your dog, check out this link…
December 14, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
During the holidays there are lots of images of puppies and kittens given as gifts. Getting a pet should involve a long-term commitment, and a holiday gift may be well intentioned, but chosen in haste. The cuteness may quickly wear off once the recipient realizes the huge amount of time and money they must devote…
November 30, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
Older pups know shoes are for walking, and bones are for chewing. Mature kitties will usually know proper litter box etiquette. Your senior pup knows inside is for lounging, and outdoors is for the restroom. Older pets are more experienced with being able to read humans, and they can figure out what you are asking…
October 26, 2015 Dog Health, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
Whether you are celebrating with your puppy for the first time, or have enjoyed many Halloweens with your older dog, here are a few reminders of how you can enjoy this festive time of year safely. Indian Peaks Veterinary Hospital is open the entire Halloween weekend. If you have absolutely any questions, please call (303)…
October 19, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
Moving can be stressful for humans and their pets. Your dog and cat’s routine starts and ends in your home, and any change in their environment can be stressful. Not to worry, we have a plan to help you make the transition as safe and easy as possible for your furry friends. Your biggest ally…
July 1, 2015 Cat Behavior, Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
Be sure your pets are wearing up to date tags and collars. Give your dog plenty of exercise during the day before the fireworks begin. Keep your cat and dog inside if possible. They may jump a fence if they are frighten and alone in your yard. If you leave your pet home alone, leave…
August 21, 2014 Understanding Dog Behavior and Training at Indian Peaks
There is good news for furry friends who may be wary about interacting on walks. The Yellow Dog Project is working to educate the public about approaching dogs that are fearful of other animals, recovering from medical issues, or a companion in training. The project encourages pet parents to tie a yellow ribbon to their…